Repost: Migraine or Tumor

Peas and Cougars

Hey, guys! I’m not going to be able to post for the next few weeks, but I didn’t want to totally leave you hanging, so I scheduled a couple of old favorites. Now is also a good time to appreciate that I’ve gotten a lot recognizably better with my drawing pad! The post below is from October 2011.


For a long time I’ve suffered from chronic migraines. Migraines are like headaches, except they make you want to die.

It’s a running joke between me and the Husband that my body just doesn’t want me to ever have a good time.

My longest migraine lasted just over three weeks. Since normal people can’t take three weeks off of work and head to the spa for a diamond peel microdermabrasion to feel better (I AM THE 99%!), I existed as a hazy shell of myself.

Having a migraine is like having…

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